Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The man and sexual health

The man and sexual health

The man is hardly different from animals in the wilderness when it comes to basic needs body. This is indeed an important consideration to be done to men in society by the fact that he leads a life that is completely different from their ancestors. In other words, people today live in an environment that is very different from the one used for many centuries ago.

It must be understood that the natural environment that man lived in a time that was a natural way allowed to carry out the necessary activities. It included attacking for survival, and sexual activity for the sake of increasing the spring outside the sake of the survival of the species. The latter was carried out by force if necessary.

In contemporary times, this is not really possible, and many men may not act as they please. As a result, they have to limit themselves, and this may reflect on their health. Not being able to exercise when it is necessary, the causes damage, and their health can go down dramatically. In addition, sexual activity is something that needs to be carried out where necessary. If a person is limited as a result of this practice, which tends to affect him psychologically and mentally.

The causes of poor sexual health in men
Unlike the restricted sexual activity, because the law of society, there are people who do not have or can not have sexual activity. These people are the ones that are said to be powerless.

Impotence can be caused by several factors, one of the factors and any one can not singled out as the sole cause of impotence.

Some causes of poor sexual health in men:
It is said that the erectile tissue is where the problem lies.
It is believed that the lack of blood flow to the erectile tissue of a man denies an erection.
This lack of blood flow is actually controlled by the muscles in the rinse and prevent the escape of blood erectile tissue, which makes erections possible.
When these muscles are affected, they can not perform their functions and thus impotence results.
There are believed to cure impotence in men and medicines that have been developed recently, are those who have had some success.

However, it is good for one to focus on healthy habits of living, so that impotence can be prevented to the greatest extent possible. The lack of proper nutrition, sleep and sexual activity, stress, depression, injury, illness, etc. can cause impotence. Therefore, it is advised that men should be made aware of their lifestyle, in order to be safe and to maintain a healthy sexual life.

Make teeth whitening methods

Make teeth whitening methods

Now, health Bright, bright smile aesthetic prevails. Beautiful women, brilliant smile and sweet Linglong have to figure as important, white as snow teeth and bronzed skin is as essential weapons. To brilliant smile, a white good dental health is very important. beauty who, in accordance with their teeth faster, find a suitable way to the United States tooth!

White teeth "roasted" by the
Tooth of the United States: PFM will be required to repair teeth are ground into a bar, and then on porcelain braces.
Relevance: apply to severe tetracycline teeth, dental fluorosis, enamel hypoplasia, dental cracks, defects, the holes were serious cases, whitening effect obviously.
Effective: immediately.
Duration: 10 years
Advantage: teeth whitening effect significant and lasting.
Inadequate: flour rod teeth very fragile, and structural damage to teeth larger. And the high cost of porcelain teeth, tooth whitening is the "Aristocrats."

Do for teeth whitening care
Tooth of the United States: Now a lot of the domestic market launch whitening products, such as white teeth-speed packages, dental paste, whitening solution.
Relevance: solve because long-term consumption of tea, coffee, red wine, or smoking caused yellow discoloration of the teeth.
Results: 1 to 2 weeks
Duration: six months
Advantage: time is short, quick and easy to use, safe and affordable.
Inadequate: some people will have different levels of sensitive teeth, the effect remain unstable.

To the teeth regular "bath"
Tooth of the United States: Xiya is the use of mechanical or physical methods remove the tooth surface of bacteria, calculus, such as tartar pigment.
Relevance: tooth surface can be the pollutants removed. Mild discoloration of the teeth have better results.
Effective: immediately
Duration: six months
Advantage: maintaining periodontal health.
Inadequate: only surface Lubo, rather than whitening, oral syrup smell will stay, there are different degrees of sensitivity. At the same time there are some surface enamel wear.

Have to do teeth whitening SPA
Tooth of the United States: 3-D orientation bleaching, in accordance with their own teeth can be very simple shape of a tooth in the production mode. Whitening agents and every night will be on the tooth-directional mode, wearing a tooth mode can be removed after 20 minutes, and continuous use for nine days.
Relevance: Light to moderate tooth agenesis of the pigment, because of age changes in the growth of tooth enamel color yellow and prolonged drinking tea, coffee, red wine, or smoking caused yellow discoloration of the teeth.
Effective time: 9 days
Duration: 2 to 3 years.
Advantage: obvious effect, easy to use, safe and affordable.
Inadequate: color heavier tetracycline teeth, dental fluorosis, and so can not be immediately effective, we should be effective nine days.

Less Sleep Could Make Men Obese

Melbourne: Researchers at Nihon University have found that men who have less than five hours of sleep a night are at increased risk of obesity and are more likely to have high levels of blood sugar that can cause diabetes.

Yoshitaka Kaneita, Nihon University medical department and associate professor lead author of the study, said that lack of sleep causes a hormone in the blood, which stimulates the appetite, reported The Daily Telegraph.

He said that the hormone "increases the sense of hunger and an appetite for high-calorie foods", which calls on people to pay due attention to how much sleep.

For the study, and his team Kaneita looked 21693 men in 1999, and followed up to see how they are doing seven years later.
They found that men who were not fat, in 1999 were 1.36 times more likely to become obese who slept less than five hours a night, on average, over the next seven years, compared with men who slept more.

They also found that short sleepers were 1.27 times more likely to have high levels of blood sugar. (ANI)

Monday, March 17, 2008

How can we have a healthy and beautiful white teeth?

How can we have a healthy and beautiful white teeth?

In addition to regular inspection and treatment of dental clinics, dental doctor may also met with you to make a teeth whitening treatment. This is a tooth in recent years the international beauty session by a popular dentist prescribing, home bleaching teeth beauty products. Only sleep in the teeth with a special wearing braces, a few days later, will be surprised to find that the tooth changes. Such by the United States Ametican Dental Hygienics teeth bleaching agent production because of the price, the use of safe, simple, obvious effect has been accepted by the overwhelming majority of consumers.

Who effective bleaching proofread

TREE use of the bleaching gel, teeth will have varying degrees of color change. After years of the application, efficiency more than 90%, bleaching effect depends on the structure and teeth bleaching gel and use of the sensitivity of the length of time for (the use of the longer the better). For mild to moderate the pressure and tetracycline staining of teeth, and generally more satisfied with the results achieved. If it is serious tetracycline teeth, dental fluorosis, it may not be bleached as white teeth like normal. However, after a longer period of time use, and it will be a significant improvement.

Decolorization gum should pay attention to what use before and after

Bleaching ago, we should first check whether suffering from oral ulcers, gum disease, dental caries, as well as for the corresponding treatment. Then cleaning teeth, dental calculus removal, so as not to affect bleaching effect. Dental records can be the best color to capture the progress of bleach. Bleaching process, it is necessary to timely, quantitative continuous use, halfway to try not to interrupt. Regular follow-up visits, bleach the end, the best use of fluoride to protect the tooth surface protective process.

The use of bleaching gel time

Oral activities less at night, saliva flow of small, more suitable for use during this period of time. Before sleep can be used until the next morning wearing. If daytime use, it can be used two hours of the morning. To achieve rapid results, can be used in conjunction with the day and evening, but two to rest between two hours.

Decolorization will be whether the use of plastic allergies

Some will arise after the use of sensitive teeth symptoms, a small number will be gums and soft tissue stimulation. A mildly sensitive, interrupted from time to use it in the next few days, symptoms will gradually ease. If sustained moderate pain, can be appropriate to reduce the daily use of time, or out 1-2 days, the symptoms disappeared after use, or can be used in conjunction with fluoride desensitization. While minor discomfort continue to be used. Gums and soft tissue discomfort, it can be repaired mouthpiece edge not slippery and can only cover teeth.

Decolorization plastic bleach can be maintained long after

Due to the tooth surface smooth, not long-term reduction of material attached, from a theoretical point of view, teeth bleaching will not relapse. However, some patients after several years had mild rebound phenomenon of color, the amount may be inadequate and improper use of time control. Of course, even if there are rebound phenomenon, teeth will not revert to the previous color. But to protect teeth, try not to smoke, do not drink tea, coffee, and other pigment heavier food, beverages, prevent additional stain. Bleaching can be 1-2 days each year in order to maintain white teeth.

To carbamide peroxide bleaching are the main components of the gum, their safety has been confirmed, and was regarded as teeth bleaching product quality, its operation is simple, fast and reliable results are more people trust and use.

Lips, teeth conservation

Lips, teeth conservation

Lips exposed to the air vulnerable to the wind, the sun and the effects of a dry, cracked and wrinkled. Therefore, as long as the lips of conservation is to prevent chapped, and maintain lubrication state.

Nurtured a common honey lipstick can be used on its own preparation. Shangdi honey from a family of a Shangdi liquid paraffin oil, vegetable oil and a mixture of the two in the Shangdi, meat rear bottle, steamed half-hour for disinfection, after cooling can be used. Chen Qi Tuca lips or bedtime can keep moisturizing.

For dry lips and pain, a day before sleep can be coated or Vaseline on the lips of honey Department. crack on the surface, with the exception of drugs, but also added Vitamin B2 plates or with vitamin B tablets, each two, three times a day. As more mouth wrinkles crack vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and the lack of cause.

A healthy white teeth, facial beauty play an important role. To the maintenance of teeth from the beginning of the change has occurred caries, or tooth loss fears for those who have lost their role in the general maintenance, to dental treatment.

Here teeth on some day-to-day maintenance methods.

Eat sweets diet to prevent dental caries; eat less rigid food to prevent breaking teeth or defect. Postprandial mouthwash to reduce residue left things.

Dental care with a soft-brush, brush teeth, insist bedtime, Chen Qi after brushing. In order to enhance the resistance of gum disease, the daily fine white salt can be a secondary massage gums, and then gargle with warm water.

Eating a pungent odor of food, such as garlic, onions, with the exception of postprandial brushing mouthwash, can be dry tea or chewing gum in order to maintain oral smell fresh.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chewing gum had not more than a 15-minute

Chewing gum had not more than a 15-minute
Many people have the habit of chewing gum, and chewing is not a "relenting." Yesterday, the experts advise, chewing gum, the best time over one another quarter of an hour.

According to reports, often chewing gum can increase saliva secretion, and better oral and dental cleaning. However, medical experts do not advocate chewing gum as a fashion to advocate, especially over a long period of time chewing gum is likely to cause adverse health effects.

Because first of all, most of chewing gum are sucrose sweeteners, chewing gum, sugar will stay long in the mouth, oral bacteria in dental caries will use to produce sucrose acidic substances, corrosive to teeth.

Secondly, the use of mercury-containing materials meeting the teeth were not the best chewing gum. Study found that regular chewing gum damage oral material for fillings.

The doctor's advice, or chewing gum time not more than 15 minutes, gastropathy not too many people even chewing gum.

Five Steps to a snack-Free Night

Waking up in the middle of the night for a snack and late dinners can easily make you gain weight. Here are five easy steps that can help you stop snacks.

Tip # 1: Replace the snack with a cup of tea.

A cup of hot tea and its effects relaxants keep your mind occupied long enough to forget the feeling of hunger and make you feel more complete at the same time.

Tip # 2: always find something to do.

If boredom is the main reason for you to try and try to find an interesting place to eat. For example, you can read a book or watch a movie (not popcorn), play with your children, or surf the internet.

Tip # 3: Remember that food gives you more energy during the day.

Have you ever thought after dinner "I feel full of energy that I was going to run for a few miles? Probably not. The only thing we usually think after meals is how quickly we can get to bed. That's why people should go for a brisk walk or moderate physical activity after meals. The body must burn calories, instead of storing it.

Tip # 4: Think of insulin.

Most of those who don `t eat during much of the day, the rich usually have dinner when they get home, but this way, they actually lead to insulin" explosion ". It is also preferable to distribute meals during the day.

Tip # 5: Divide percentages.

Some experts agree it is appropriate to eat five times a day. Each main meal should be twenty-five percent of your recommended daily caloric intake, and two snacks twenty-five percent remain. However, if you tend to eat more at a meal, it `s better to eat more at lunch so you will still have enough time to burn calories.

10 tips for women on their first date

First date always sends jitters in the back and leave you with cold feet. Here are some tips to help cope with cold sweat and butterflies in the stomach.

1. Dress modestly - Wear you want something nice "Do not reveal too much of your skin. Even if you hear well, you may wish to send out wrong signals. First get to know each other, then dress like you want.

2. Manners and etiquettes - Bring your best manners and etiquettes in your purse. But do not try to be too nice. You may make a "joy ride." Be polite but about where we draw the line. If necessary use your fingernails to skin alive.

3. Avoid going to the movies - On your first date to avoid going to a movie. It kills significant amount of time, which, if properly used, can help to get to know each other. Meet over a cup of coffee or, even better, lunch.

4. Pay or Dutch - If you find for lunch or dinner, offer to pay the bill. While it is too insisting on the settlement of the Dutch bill itself the bill. It is a good label and will take you a long way. But for coffee, he insists, if you can leave it settle the bill.

5. Do not act dumb - If you are bubbly and smart not to put up a facade of being intelligent or less silent for fear of frightening away. If your intelligence carries him off scares, you are better without him. Remember never what you have to pretend 're not. That can never help. It might embarrass you at the wrong time.

6. A good listener - Pay attention to what he says. You can judge a person by his opinions, tastes, likes and dislikes. You will learn about all this, if you are a good listener. But let him tell you all, leave some surprises for a later date.
7. Do not rush - not to get carried away by his sweet talks and make plans for your first wedding date. Remember that puts his foot at its best. Like you, it is too reading dating advice for his first day.

8. Do not get drunk - I will not give a sermon on the evils of alcohol. It would be best if you can avoid alcohol. If you do not remember your limit drinking.

9. Be alert - Let your friends or relatives know where you are going and with whom. In an emergency either of you can join one another. Read between the lines and see what he is conveying. If you think it is going above and you can not manage it, just leave. Do not even bother pretending to head.

10. Stick to handshake - Handshake is allowed; do not offer a hug or a kiss. If he looks at you to kiss, politely decline, he said, "we are going to save it for our next date." That depends, however, if you want another date after all.

Happy and safe dating!

Top 10 Indoor Plants

The advantages of the inside of gardening are many. Plants to add a special charm to both modern and classic interiors. They brighten up your home or office. They blend in with all kinds of themes and can be used with different types of pots depending on the topic of your home. Take care of indoor plants makes for a great hobby during the winter months. The variety of indoor plants is vast and varied. Here is the top 10 Indoor Plants.
Reed Palm

A very common plant from the inside, it is resistant to low humidity and shade. Plant in groups to show enjoyable.
# Chinese Evergreen

Evergreen Chinese are very tolerant plants that can grow in low light, dry air, and drought. She is one of indoor plants sustainable. It was grey and dark green leaves
Take care of my indoor plants for a great hobby during the winter months

Dwarf date palm #

The pygmy palm tree is a dwarf palm. The pygmy date palm is beautiful plant leaves. She leaves a curved in a dense crown. This plant is perfect for any landscape, giving leave this exotic look of a tropical plant
Dwarf date palm

The pygmy palm tree is a dwarf palm. The pygmy date palm is beautiful plant leaves. She leaves a curved in a dense crown. This plant is perfect for any landscape, giving leave this exotic look of a tropical plant.
# Janet Craig Dracaena

Janet Craig look better when they are kept short and compact. These plants do fine very low humidity.

# Boston Fern

Boston Fern genuine plant elegant interior. He likes moist environment and can be used as an accent plant in your bathroom

# Australian Sword Fern Tree

The Australian Sword Fern plant is a producer fast, and it has shaped leaves sabre. It seems if it is planted in the hanging plants.

# Peace Lily

Peace Lily is the most popular indoor plants. It may develop in situations of very low light. It is decorated with white flowers and produces a dark green foliage.

Amaryllis #

Amaryllis is an indoor popular because of its large flowers. It is available in different colors-white, red, pink and orange. And it is easier to translate to boom

# Weeping Figues

Weeping figs are generally easy to grow. These plants have an attractive form, foliage and popular interior landscaping

# English Ivy

English Ivy is versatile indoor plant, and grows in bright indirect light. They can be grown in hanging baskets. It can be paid as a result of any form it vining habit.