Sunday, June 8, 2008

New hair growth

In this article I will talk about how to regrow their hair. There are a lot of products on the market hair loss all of which vary in how well they really treat their hair. Ironically, there are only a few realistic options to stop hair loss and hair regrow. Here are the steps you need to take to effectively get your hair back.
1. Limiting the production of DHT - baldness is caused by some strange chemistry in his scalp. It begins with testosterone becomes problematic dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is produced in his hair follicle oil glands that contains an enzyme called type II-alpha reductase that converts DHT. When DHT get in your scalp follicles, shrinks and harden the protective membrane around her that prevents his blood supply. This in turn stops any new hair growth occurs. One way to treat the property of their hair loss is DHT by limiting occurs. You can use drugs like Propecia to achieve this. The only problem with this type of drug that is often quite unpleasant types of effects for many of its users, including a loss of sexual desire, the chances of impotence, erectile dysfunction, and dangers to the foetus of women. I would suggest looking at Saw Palmetto to help limit DHT. It's a natural herb that limits the type II enzyme alpha-reductase conversion of DHT.
2. New hair growth - After the hair loss has stopped, the next logical step is to grow new hair in. One way that has been accepted by the FDA is using Minoxidil. This is a solution that has been clinically approved to regrow new hair in areas where it has lost. You can find Minoxidil in many products, all of which vary in their effectiveness. You must play with certain products to see what works best for you.
Important Points on how to Regrow your hair: - When I was looking for a viable solution for hair loss solutions and after researching the information described above, I wanted to find a single product that is effective while limiting DHT production and new hair. Usually, the products do one way or another are not too many formulas that handle both in one package. However, I did hear a lot about a product called Provillus. His natural solutions that have received the views of revision in many places. Contains Saw Palmetto to help limit the DHT occurs on the scalp. It also contains Minoxidil, to help stimulate new growth in areas where they have lost their hair. In addition to all this also comes with an herbal supplement to give your body other essential vitamins, minerals, herbs and necessary for healthy hair functions such as regeneration. For these reasons, Provillus may be one of the best options in how to regrow their hair.
What about Procerin? Its one of the most popular hair loss herbal products and the main competitor of Provillus and I did not even mention it. I recently wrote a hair loss product comparison and discussed how popular products as Procerin stacked against Provillus. Click on the link to read our impressive results.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have been having a problem with my hair falling off at the sides for a very long time. im 27 years old so that should not be a problem of age, the problem is that it grows but keep falling off. I’m short of tricks to do and the worst thing is that its really hard to style my hair and i have tried some creams but they have not worked but when i started using IHT-9 Herbal Hair Regrowth Shampoo, wow, it really works and actually regrowing my hair. Im getting my hair back IHT-9 Shampoo is really a miracle for me.

here is the website