Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Water Exercise for Arthritis Relief - Fun and Effective

Everybody knows exercise is a significant part of staying healthy. As anyone with arthritis can tell you, though, when your joints say no to play, exercise goes from pleasurable and stimulating activity into a trial of how much pain you can tolerate.

The tendency when suffering from arthritis is to keep your joints as motionless as possible. The problem is that this leads to weakening of the muscles and tendons and a stiffening of joints, which makes the pain worse over time. It is a self-feeding cycle difficult to break out of.

One solution comes in the form of The Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program, a warm water exercise program designed by the Arthritis Foundation. Why warm water exercise? The warmth offered by hot water allows muscles to relax and intensifies circulation of blood to the joints. In fact, ever since the discovery of the first hot springs, humans have used the miracle of warm water baths to fight aching joints.

Besides reducing the pain in your joints, exercising in water permits body weight to be supported. This makes exercising in water easier, safer and more relaxing. Not only that, but the resistance that water provides as your body moves in it helps strengthen muscles

These days, what with spas, health clubs and backyard hot tubs, just about anyone has access to a pool of hot water to relax in. Not only does this bring some immediate relief of arthritis symptoms, but it also provides us with a great environment in which we can exercise.

You should consult your doctor before beginning water exercise. Water exercise is completely safe for most people, with a few exceptions. If youÂ’ve have suffered serious joint damage or replacement surgery you may be among them. Your doctor will know whatÂ’s right for you. Also be aware of temperature. Water between 83 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for exercise. Anything over 100 degrees may be relaxing, but can lead to overheating. After youÂ’ve gotten the doctor go ahead, itÂ’s time to get started.

The Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program exercises can be found in the free brochure "Water Exercise: Pools, Spas and Arthritis” from the Arthritis Foundation. Classes are also offered at local pools nationwide—contact your local Arthritis Foundation office for information. The classes are lead by a trained instructor, usually last between 45 minutes to an hour and are scheduled 2 to 3 times a week.

With a doctorÂ’s guidance, whether at a local pool or at home, a water exercise program is a fun and effective way to combat arthritis and keep joints and muscles healthy.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Isabelle Boulay is a writer and contributor to www.Medopedia.com, where you can find more information on arthritis treatment and treatment of high blood pressure

Simple Beauty - 10 Tips that are Free and Easy

Simple Beauty - 10 Tips that are Free and Easy

It is simple to look and feel more beautiful starting today. You can even put away your pocketbook because these tips are free.

1. Smile... it will brighten your day and others around you will feel your energy.

2. Stretch... cats know that total body stretch does wonders. Follow their example and roll up slowly out of bed and stretch gently. (For more tips on stretching here is a great book: AM/ PM Stretch for Health.)

3. Exercise... at least 20 mins of any continuous activity will boost your energy level and reduce bad stressors. You don't even to pay a membership fee. The key is continuous like a 20min walk or even mopping your floors. You will look and feel better.

4. Drink water. No other liquid is quite like it. Clear your system. 8 glasses are recommended daily. Your skin will radiate.

5. Rest... you need to take breaks during the day and sleep at night. Takes breaks away from work space to keep fresh and focused. Make sure you are getting sufficient sleep at night since your body regenerates while you are sleeping. If you are constantly letting your mind wonder make a conscious decision to put away thoughts till morning. It is amazing how good your subconscious mind listens to your conscious mind (so be careful what you tell yourself)

6. Do good. When you do something for someone else without expecting anything in return you benefit in ways unimaginable. (the key is don't expect anything in return)

7. Exchange... the money you spend on junk food for food that will enrich your body and soul. Start with a simple plan of exchange. Because some think healthy foods cost more, find out your spending pattern by making 2 lists:

. foods you like that are healthy that you normally don't buy

. foods you like that are "junk food" that you normally buy

calculate the cost of the 2nd list then use this amount to fund your "healthy" purchase. (of course you have to say bye-bye to the "junk food")

8. "Stop and smell the roses". Look for good in everything. This is a toughie because most of us are "trained" to look for faults, errors, shortcomings, defects, etc. Begin with yourself. List all your assets (not just physical). Then realize all the good in being you. Move on to other things around you. Work on this consciously every day till it becomes a habit. There is something good about everything and everyone. Once you realize this you will be finding good everywhere without even trying.

9. Learn... something new every day. Pick up a book. or search online. Learn to do something you have always wanted to do. You can even start for free by researching online. Search the subject and start stimulating and enriching your mind today.

10. Reward yourself. Set financial and personal goals and tag them with rewards for accomplishing them. (this one may be something special you have always wanted to do. and not necessarily a purchase.. But if you have done all the above maybe go ahead and splurge a little. You deserve it!

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Marie Gervacio is founder and editor of SimpleBeautyTips.com , ArticleBlender.com and ShineYourStar.com Discover more simple beauty tips today at SimpleBeautyTips.com. Submitted with Article Distributor.

How To Keep One's Skin Beautiful

How To Keep One's Skin Beautiful

Human body is very sensitive and vulnerable. It is and has always been an easy target for an arrow, a sword or a bullet. In all the times people tried to protect their bodies as well as possible: medieval knights had iron armor; nowadays policemen use more effective protection – flak jackets - to survive in the battle with evil.

It goes without saying that we should value these mankind inventions; at the same time, we must never forget about what nature supplied us with to resist the undesirable and dangerous influence of the environment. Skin is what I mean.

Though it cannot protect us from a sword or a bullet, it has always been a very effective means of defense against ultraviolet rays, heat, cold, viruses and bacteria, which constantly try to make our bodies their home for some time, and then to gradually destroy them.

Besides, skin is a multifunctional component of the human body. Thermoregulation helps us adjust to the temperature of the environment due to the widening or narrowing of blood vessels and the secretion of more or less liquids by skinÂ’s glands. Metabolic function is realized during the gas exchange, water-salt metabolism, etc. After all, due to the skinÂ’s sensation function we can feel the pleasure of touching.

I am pretty sure that knights took good care of their armor for it to remain strong and reliable as long as possible. We should also do our best to preserve skin “in the working order” and to make it good-looking as well.

So, to have healthy and beautiful skin it is desirable to:

avoid the sunlight, as its ultraviolet rays cause the most harmful changes in the skin structure, making it dry, wrinkled, thin and covered with age spots. They can also provoke skin cancer;

quit smoking, because nicotine is said to have the same influence on skin as sunlight;

clean and moisturize skin properly (scrubs, creams, ointments and lotions can be of great help in this case);

keep to a healthy diet with much fruit and vegetables to supply skin with all the necessary vitamins. Drinking much water helps improve its state as well;

avoid stress, because skin is like a mirror, reflecting everything that is going on in the human mind.

It is easy to take care of skin when we are young. Smooth and plump, it needs, perhaps, proper cleaning only (excluding the cases of skin diseases).
Aging, on the other hand, emphasizes the flaws in our appearance, takes away the beauty. It all results in dry, thin and wrinkled skin. This is a point, when preserving our natural body-cover beautiful takes much effort and skill to succeed.

In order to make this process easier and more pleasant, visit Skin Care Center at Pillwatch.com. It is a place, where you can find the answers to many questions.

Anna Iv is a pillwatch.com article author, aiming in supplying people with the most detailed and comprehensive data on health care issues.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Skin Health Secrets: How to apply skin care products

Skin Health Secrets: How to apply skin care products

It is pretty well known that different people get different results with the same skin care products. This can be caused by variations in body chemistry, but more often than not it’s because everyone applies skin care products differently.
Of course, if a particular product doesn’t give you the results you expect, it doesn’t always mean you are applying the product incorrectly. Unfortunately, many products just don't work as advertised, no matter what you do! To top that off, some products may work for some people but not for others even when used properly. Nevertheless, when a product doesn’t work, it may often be due to incorrect application.
Products like skin creams, gels. or lotions are a mixture of chemicals that have a biological action, applied topically to the skin. So the effectiveness depends on whether the active ingredients work, and whether they are absorbed properly into your skin. Your skin’s temperature, hydration, environment and other factors will influence your skin's ability to absorb the active ingredients in a product. To be sure that you get optimal effectiveness of you skin care products:

Cleanse skin before applying any products. The best time to apply is right after you come out of a warm shower or bath because not only is your skin clean, but it is also moist and warm, so it will absorb whatever you apply much better. Do not wash with hot water because excessive heat accelerates aging. Water should be comfortably warm but not hot. However, if you plan to apply anything oily that blocks the pores, splash cool water on yourself to close pores. Just pat dry with a towel. Also, use a charcoal shower filter to prevent exposure to the chlorine in the water. You probably drink bottled or filtered water - but you can absorb more chlorine through your skin during a shower than you would get from an 8 oz. glass of water!

When cleansing your skin, don't use regular soap or shampoo, they’re much too drying. Use a good moisturizing soap, a skin cleanser, or plain warm (not hot) water.

The top layer of skin is mostly made from dry, dead cells. When this layer becomes too thick, either from aging or poor skin care skin, the active ingredients of a skin care product have trouble penetrating. Professional microdermabrasion safely removes that top layer of skin, revealing the healthier, younger-looking skin underneath and allowing skin care products to be better absorbed for greater effectiveness. In addition, microdermabrasion done regularly strengthens the skin by stimulating elastin and collagen production, which helps diminish wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars and many other blemishes.

Use short, firm strokes to apply skin care products. Do not stretch the skin. Do not rub. After applying, gently massage the products into your skin by tapping the area with your fingers for 30 seconds or so.

When using a professional microdermabrasion product at home, it is important to read the directions and follow them very carefully. Remember, professional microdermabrasion is usually applied with expensive machines and medically-trained professionals. You can save a lot by doing it yourself, but don’t be over-eager to get that 10-years-younger look. Apply the sponges gently the first time - let your skin adjust to the application. Add a little more time and pressure each application, about 2 weeks apart, up to a maximum of 3-5 minutes (depending on the sensitivity of your skin).

If you have sensitive skin or allergies, always test the products you want to use first on a small patch of skin on your underarm (the soft skin on the bottom of your forearm).

Did you know sensitive skin is very common? More than 40% of people say they have it. Its causes include age, heredity, gender, and racial differences. These questions below can help you find out if your skin may be sensitive. Of course, a trip to your dermatologist is the best way to find out!

Does your skin get extra dry after you wash it with soap?

Does your skin get extra oily and break out after you use particular types of moisturizers?

If you answered Yes to one or both of these questions, you may have sensitive skin.

Does your skin get red, itch, burn, or feel "tight" after coming into direct or indirect contact with perfumes and/or particular shampoos, shaving creams, detergents, dish soaps, hair sprays, cleaning products, or deodorants?

Irritants to sensitive skin include many household and personal products. The fragrances and dyes in just about every household product, and many personal care products, can cause irritation either from direct contact or even from deposits left on your clothes, towels, or bedding. If you have any of the classic signs and symptoms of sensitive skin in Question 3, try to use hypoallergenic products without ingredients known to cause skin reactions.

Does your skin get red, itch, burn, or feel "tight" after extended exposure to sun, wind, heat, or cold?

Sensitive skin often reacts to extreme weather conditions. In fact, anything in the environment that damages your skin's natural protective barrier against water evaporation -- called sebum -- can irritate sensitive skin.

Do you have acne or psoriasis?

People with acne, psoriasis, or skin conditions like eczema often have sensitive skin. These conditions impair immune system functioning and/or destroy the skin's protective barrier. If you have of these conditions, you may have sensitive skin.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kathleen Williams is the developer of DermaSponge, a home microdermabrasion product which achieves results comparable to professional treatments at a fraction of the cost. She is also the founder of www.dermanesse.com, where her products may be purchased.



In today's age and world, being slim, shapely, possessing ripped abdominal muscles and toned arms seems to be the aim of a vast majority of the people you see spending tons of hours working out at gyms. These same people spend loads of money on the new weight-loss pill or supplement guaranteed to 'make you eat less and increase your metabolism...' and in spite of whatever side effects the product may contain, the average Joe, still thinks this quick fix will be worth the risk.

In truth, some of these people have luck with these efforts, and yes they possess the ever so ripped and toned muscles we as a society admire so much. However, the fact that needs to be accepted and pondered upon thoroughly is: 'Whatever is not built on a proper foundation will eventually crumble!' Most fitness and experts and bodybuilders atrophy and wear down prematurely as sooner or later, these muscles 'blown up' with unnatural substances have a tendency to pretty much deflate. Moreover, 'ripped' muscles and supposed 'feats' of strength DO NOT depict proper and optimal health. There is a saying that is known to every culture which goes:"you are what you eat...". What you eat plays arguably the most important role on your overall health and fitness, thus PROPER DIET should be the most important factor of any and every health seeker.

What then should one eat? In a nut-shell: yes as boring as it may sound- Fruits and Vegetables. These substances possess the abilities to not only provide the necessary fuel needed for day to day activities, but play important and vital roles in

1. Providing the alkaline reserves in the body for balancing chemical metabolism within.

2. cleansing the digestive and excretory tract as they act as the much needed intestinal broom to sweep these 'pipes' (as you may call them) clean to function properly in their duties of nourishing and cleansing the body.

3. Keeping the body fit, trim and in shape WITHOUT the unwanted side effects of toxic and artificial substances such as pills and supplements. Sure, it is a great feeling to be able to see the awesome cuts in your 'abs' and arms when you look in the mirror, but feeling good on the inside as well and knowing that you are thoroughly cleansed internally should be of just as much importance as 'getting ripped'.

Moreover, the cleaner you are on the inside and the freer you are of toxicity the quicker and you can and will attain your goal of being in shape.

7 Easy Ways to Turbo-Charge Fat Burning

Whether you are trying to lose a few extra pounds, or building a sculpted body; you will need every available technique in your arsenal when you begin to fight f-a-t. If you are only using one or two tactics you may get there eventually, but you will have a long uphill battle. Are you ready to fire up your fat burning capabilities? The basics of metabolism has everything to do with fat burning.

It is the biochemical processes that take place in the body; the breakdown of nutrients in the blood after digestion, resulting in growth of new tissue, more energy, and the release of wastes. You have billions of cells- nerve cells, muscle cells, fat cells, blood cells, and all kinds of cells. These cells burn up a lot of energy as they get their job done in a well metabolized body, but a person whose metabolism runs slow, a lot of excess fat will be stored because not enough energy is burned up. The good news is that the metabolism furnace can be turned up substantially. There are several things which affect the metabolism such as exercise, the digestion of foods, body temperature, and hormone activity. Here are seven of the easiest ways to burn fat faster.

1. The food you eat. There are several foods that actually burn fat faster than others. Spices is one food that can help you burn more calories by triggering a thermodynamic burn that can last several hours after eating.

2. The time you eat. The best time to eat the largest portion of the foods you eat for the day is before two o'clock. Make sure you never skip a meal, especially breakfast. The process of eating actually starts your burner blasting. Do not skip breakfast, and wait until mid-day to eat because if you do your metabolism will run slower all day. That means you are burning less fat, which is not what you are aiming for. You want to burn fat faster, not slower.

3. The amount of food. If you deprive yourself of food, your body goes into a survival mode and slows itself down to prepare for a possible famine. That means that fad diets are definitely out if you want to burn fat faster. But on the other hand, if you eat more calories than your body uses throughout the day, these additional calories will be stored as fat. Therefore, the secret is moderation. Try eating three small meals and two small snacks daily. It's like throwing another log on the fire whenever you eat, but remember- small amounts of food at a time. If you have too much food in the stomach at any one time, it will slow the fat burn down, totally defeating the purpose.

4. To prevent build up of fat you need to increase your daily activities. The muscles are where all the calories are burned during exercise, and the more efficient the muscles are at burning fat - the quicker weight loss can be achieved. To be an efficient fat burner you need to increase your muscle mass. The timing and various types of exercise also contribute to a turbo metabolism. When you perform any kind of activity your body burns fat and glucose. The good thing is that you do not need to exercise hard to burn fat. It's a good habit to begin exercising every morning. Do as much as you can until you reach an entire hour each day, five or six days a week.

5. Do your strength training before doing any cardiovascular work. It takes the body about 15 minutes to warm up and start burning fat. For example, if you are jogging for 45 minutes, you will only be burning fat for the last 30 minutes of your workout. Instead, try lifting weights for the first 15 minutes, which gives your body the time it needs to warm up. By the time you hit the road, you will be burning fat during the entire jogging session. PLUS - you will have built muscle too!

6. Do not do the exact same workout every day. Your body will start to get used to that exercise, and eventually it will stop burning fat calories. So if you jog one day, try a different activity the next day. Keep rotating the exercises, that way your body will stay at an optimal fat burning state. The best way to burn fat is to work out as hard as you can for as long as you can. But if you are just beginning a program, try varying the intensity from fast, to normal, to fast, to normal. This will help to build endurance, and eventually, you will be able to extend the high intensity periods until your entire workout is done at an ultimate fat burning speed. The fat burning equation is simple. The more muscle tone you have, the more calories you will burn even when you are not active.

7. Inhaling and exhaling through your nose, rather than your mouth also helps to stabilize your heart rate, and increase your endurance. Of course you know this means turbo charged fat burning. With these seven tips, you should be well on your way to burning fat at an optimal level. If you stick with these techniques, and make them a part of your day - your body will amaze you in a few weeks. Article from Health Giants Newsletter: http://health-giants.blogspot.com

Eating Disorders Causes

Eating disorders are not just about food and weight. Often, eating disorders will result from a series of long-standing behavioral, emotional, psychological, interpersonal, and social factors. People who have an eating disorder will use food as a way of being able to feel as though they have control on their daily lives. For many, the pain of a past or current event is too overwhelming to cope with and so an eating disorder can be a way of coping with the situation by feeling "in control". However, this disease will, in fact, damage a person's physical and emotional health, self-esteem, and sense of competence and control.

There are numerous psychological factors that can contribute to an eating disorder. Some of these include feeling inadequate, depression, anxiety, anger and loneliness. All of these factors result in the person not feeling in control of their life.

From a personal and relationship standpoint, individuals may have difficulty expressing feelings and emotions, may have been bullied and teased and may have a history of physical or sexual abuse.

From a societal perspective it is important to note the impact that the media plays in influencing young people in regard to body shape and look. This pressure that teens feel to fit in with the right "look" can have a dramatic effect, resulting in an obsessive approach to appearance, weight, dieting, calories and so on.

The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Scientists are currently examining a link between possible biochemical and biological causes of eating disorders. It has been found that in some individuals with eating disorders, the chemicals in the brain that control hunger, appetite and digestion have become imbalanced.

Eating disorders can become a destructive disease if not treated so if you suspect that a loved one is displaying any characteristics related to an eating disorder, seek professional help straight away. Research has shown that when dealt with early with intense treatment, eating disorders can be overcome. If left untreated, they can be fatal.

Greg Culver is the owner of http://www.eatingdisorderweb.com which is a comprehensive information portal dedicated to providing qualityinformation about eating disorders.

Basics Of Tooth Whitening

For people who want a smile that is brighter, the process of tooth whitening can be easily administered. Tooth whitening can reduce staining and discoloration and ultimately grant a patient a whiter and brighter set of teeth.

But how much really can your teeth become whiter? Some tooth whitening products claim that your teeth can become nine shades whiter. This is exaggerating. A whitening of two or three shades is more possible and can already provide a significant change in a person’s smile.

It is important to note at this point that our teeth have no uniform whiteness. Usually, the whitest teeth are the two front teeth while molars are generally two shades darker. A realistic goal for anyone wishing to have a whiter set of teeth is for the process to achieve its optimum level while retaining the natural look of white teeth. Besides, the whitening results vary from patient to patient depending on the teeth structure and procedure type.

But first, what causes tooth discoloration? Remember that aging, chemical damage and staining are factors that contribute to discoloration as are medications, tea, coffee, cola soft drinks and cigarette.

There are also other factors that affect the color of teeth like genetics and disease. Some people have naturally whiter teeth enamel and their children can acquire this gene trait. But if you suspect that there’s a physiological factor behind the color of your teeth, it is best to consult your physician too so you can better inform your dentist.

Teeth whitening corrects the discoloration in your teeth by removing the staining on your teeth. And there are a number of methods or techniques that can be used to achieve this such as the following: mild acid whitening, chemical whitening, abrasive teeth whitening and the latest one: laser teeth whitening.

Teeth bleaching is a chemical process that a dentist can use to lighten up the color of the teeth of his patient. The process can be administered right in the dentist’s clinic, at the patient’s home or a combination of clinic first-finish at home. Home teeth bleaching procedures are more common nowadays these afford patients the convenience of their own homes.

The cosmetic dentist first molds a custom mouth tray or mouth guard for his patient. Creating the mouth tray is critical because this controls the amount of whitening agent to be used and holds the entire teeth for even whitening. Other material requirements for the home procedure are fairly easy to handle. The dentists should make sure that the patient is well-instructed and well-equipped. While treating at home, never hesitate to call your dentist if you have questions or is not sure of what you’re doing.

Typically, the mouthguard containing the whitening solution must be worn overnight or as instructed by your dentist and/or recommended by the product literature. The session could also last for as short as 2 or 3 hours. This really depends in the product and your own whitening need.

Michael Colucci is a technical writer for Teeth Whitening Tips - A free site that offers info on the problems and solutions regarding the different teeth whitening techniques.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Risk of Unhealthy Eating

As a teen, most of us do not even care if we are eating right, or begin to understand the implications of poor eating habits. As we age, however, do we begin to notice the effects of improper exercise, poor eating habits, and how they affect our health. Today, as the baby boomers begin their retirement years, health concerns and issues are on the rise. These aging boomers are more concerned than any previous generations about their good health, their ability to keep their good health, and how their diet affects their health. You do not have to be a doctor to understand the relationship between too much food consumption of health and disorders. You simply have to look around at a nation approaching epidemic obesity to understand what happens when you over consume in general. One a smaller scale we wonder about the consumption of just over certain kinds of foods? What happens when you overdo sweet in the department? There are all kinds of issues related to health over consumption of sugar. Diabetes would be the number one health concern. But, diabetes is not only the ill effect from over consumption of sugar. Obesity, thyroid dysfunction, kidney malfunction, and intestinal problems can be directly associated with too much sugar consumption. What about too much alcohol? The ravaging effects of alcoholism are a continual struggle and medical expense to many companies and citizens in this country, and indeed the whole world. Lost youth, liver problems, brain deterioration, speeding the other of age-related diseases are side affects all too much of alcohol consumption. Then, we can talk about the effects of too little food consumption. What happens when we do not consume what we need to maintain our health? Gum diseases, heart disease, muscle deterioration, vision loss and anorexia occur when we do not get the necessary food our body needs. Even when we consume not enough actual food, we can supplement the vitamins and minerals our bodies need in order to maintain some healthy functioning. You only have to walk down the aisle at your local supermarket to discover that there has been a vitamin revolution. Every possible vitamin and mineral needed by the body is available in capsule, pill, tablet, or powder form Once your body has reached the point of unhealthy functioning, or you have placed such a strain on the body from over consumption that one of the related diseases has taken hold, it's almost impossible to correct one problem without creating another. Once you have become a diabetic, there are so many complications, that simply choose to diet and exercise is no longer an option. The health concerns you now have far outweigh the easy solution of diet and exercise. Can you begin to see how important maintaining your health is to your quality of life? How it is important to the quality of your spouses' and children's lives? Your choices directly affect their lives with situations. You should make every effort to keep your health, not you owe it to your family, if not yourself?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What is Oily Skin, How to Treat It, and How NOT to Treat It

What is Oily Skin, How to Treat It, and How NOT to Treat It

1 out of every 2 teenagers has oily skin. We hear about it every day on TV and the radio in ads for Proactive and Murad. Stars like Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Puff Daddy, Eminem, and even Paris Hilton all pitch various products and treatments for oily skin. Most of these products are nothing more than a mild benzoyl peroxide or salicylic (less than 2%) cleanser. The reality is that when we questioned real dermatologists none recommended these products. Their actual recommendations were: 1) skin peels and laser treatments. 2) tetracycline 3) Accutane - in severe acne cases only. 4) Doxycycline 5) Cetaphil - Every dermatologist said this was a great face wash. You have to remember Paris Hilton, Eminem, and Jessica Simpson are all paid endorsers. Read the fine print. Not one of them guarantees or stands behind the product. To properly treat oily skin and the acne it can and usually does cause, you have to get to the source. Benzoyl peroxide will only affect the surface and irritate it. Salicylic acid is a weaker acid and must be used in much stronger strengths to be effective - lees than 10% just won't cut it. What really works is treating the bacteria that are rampant in oily skin. This is what causes acne. A trichloroacetic acid (TCA peel) skin peel is the most effective external treatment and now the most cost effective as it is currently available to consumers for in home use. A TCA peel will alter the skin pH (acidity levels) and make the conditions unfavorable for the bacteria. TCA peels will also get rid of excess oil, increase exfolliation, collagen production, and new skin production - all helpful with oily skin. TCA peels are also very effective on acne scars - an added plus. And the best thing is there are no side effects. Tetracycline is available by prescription only. It will kill the bacteria, but only for as long as you keep taking it. It will not affect the oilyness and is not effective against mild to severe acne. It also has side effects like yellow teeth. Their are similar antibiotics like doxycycline that have basically the same results. Accutane is a very drastic prescription only medication. The side effects can be quite severe and are common. Blood tests must be done on a weekly or monthly basis. Accutane will cease the production of oil by stopping the functionality of the sebaceous glands. Usually this was reserved for mild to severe acne patients. The complications are so severe there have been numerous class action lawsuits (just watch TV or look up Sokolove the attorneys office on the internet). Lasers have been used in a limited capacity as they are still too expensive and are mostly effective on thee resultant scarring from the acne, not on the oilyness and excess sebum production. So, straight from real non-paid dermatologists all over the country, one can conclude that the most effective treatment with the least cost is TCA peels. And they are now available for home use. Now you know how to permanently cure oily skin, treat acne, and have beautiful skin from a real dermatologists perspective. Don't be misled by a highly compensated endorser like Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson, Eminem, Puff Daddy, etc...

The Real Key To Happiness, Peace of Mind, and Massive Succes

Do you know the secret that allowed 100% of the world's wealthiest people to become successful?

Amazingly though, even if you read all their books, attend their speeches, or even ask them in person, you'll probably never discover the one true secret of their success.


Because they probably don't even know themselves ...

They're too caught up in what they do each day. They may be totally unaware of why almost everything they're involved in becomes a success.

Would you like to know their secret?

Listen closely:

All truly successful people live in alignment with their passions ... they're fulfilling their purpose in life. They're living their own dreams.

The famous theologian William Barclay once said, "There are two great days in a person's life--the day we are born and the day we discover why."

Most people, regardless of religion or lack of religion, instinctively feel that there's a higher purpose to life ... and that if they could determine their mission in life, they'd be much more happy and satisfied.

Once you start to follow your passions and mission in life, the Universe (God or Nature, depending on what you believe) seems to start helping you achieve your goals, often by presenting startling opportunities for you ...

In a recent interview with Chris and Janet Attwood, they revealed a remarkable tool that'll help you quickly determine your purpose in life--The Passion Test.

(Note: To access the Attwood's complete audio interview for free, see end of article)

The simple test, a series of probing questions that you ask yourself, will quickly help you identify your top passions, what's really important in your life.

According to Janet, "The number-one reason people don't get what they want is--is they don't know what they want."

Once you discover your passions and align your life with them, success comes quickly and automatically.

What's more startling, she found that every single highly successful person who's taken the test (Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, T. Harv Eker, Dan Poynter, to name a few) already are accomplishing their top passions.

Undoubtedly knowing your passions speeds up the path to success.

Most importantly, she also revealed ways to help you realign your life to help you follow those passions.

The one key ingredient in reaching any goal or accomplishment is that you must totally love and enjoy whatever you are wanting to appear in your life.

It has to be your dream, not someone else's.

Do you really want a million dollars or would you rather have someone to love and be loved back?

Do you want that mansion or would you rather travel and not be tied down to any geographical location?

Only you can decide ...

After taking the Passion Test, I was profoundly changed in the way I view my life.

For me, I discovered that my number one passion is gaining dynamic health, my number two passion is improving myself, and three is mastering the guitar.

I realize now that I've put those desires on the back burner while I worked totally on survival goals (you know, making money and dealing with life's obstacles).

With that in mind, it's clear to me that I've missed out on a lot of joys that accomplishments in those areas would have brought me.

So I have a lot of work ahead of me to bring my life back into alignment with my most important passions ...

What about you? You owe it to yourself to discover your passions. It'll help you to become a success in all areas of your life.

Copyright 2005 Rick Miller

About The Author

Rick Miller is a Certified Master of Web Copywriting and co-founder of List Crusade. For free access to Chris and Janet Attwood's entire interview, along with 51 other audio lessons from top Internet Marketing and Self Help Gurus--go to:
==> http://www.ListCrusade.com/rickm.html

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Christmas Gifts Can Be a Cheating Husband’s Undoing

Have you been plagued by the nagging feeling that your husband might be having an affair? Well. Christmas is probably the ideal time to confirm your suspicions and perhaps find additional proof of your husband’s infidelity, as well.

It’s only natural for lovers to want to buy gifts for each other like everyone else during the holiday season. But this exchange of gifts could prove to be a cheating husband’s undoing.
An observant wife can find some important clues if she knows what to look for.

Gifts cost money. No man who’s cheating on his wife is going to give his lover a cheap token of his affection. If he doesn’t want to incur her wrath, he has to buy her a decent gift. Unless he’s been squirreling away small sums over a period of weeks of months, the money has to come from somewhere. Have there been any suspicious withdrawals from your checking or savings accounts? Check the time period shortly before, during, or after the holiday season. Have there been any sizeable, unexplained ATM withdrawals during this time?

What about credit card statements for the same period of time? Has he made any unusual charges at jewelry stores, boutiques or women’s specialty stores? What about actual store receipts? If you find records of purchases made for gift items that you didn’t personally receive, that should raise a red flag in your mind. Who did he give these gifts to, if not to you?

Look around your home for hidden gifts – underneath the bed, in the back of a drawer, on the floor at the back of the closet, the back of a little used shelf. Don’t forget to check the car, as well. – under the seat, in the glove compartment, the trunk, the tire well. If you find a hidden gift, don’t automatically jump to conclusions unless it’s obvious that the gift was not intended for you (too large, too small, a color or style that he knows you wouldn’t wear, or has another woman’s name attached) But if New Year’s Day rolls around and you still haven’t received the gift, then obviously it was given to someone else. Make it your business to find out who.

Beverley was ecstatic when she found s box containing a hand crafted, one of a kind gold bracelet she’d been admiring for some time. However, Christmas came and went, the box disappeared, but Beverley never received the bracelet. A few weeks later, at her health club, Beverley noticed a woman wearing a bracelet identical to the one in the box. After some discreet checking around, and finding several other clues to corroborate her suspicions, Beverly found out her husband and this woman were having an affair.

Laura found a box containing a sexy satin negligee in the trunk of her husband Paul’s car. He tried to pass it off as a gift he’s bought for her, but upon closer examination she saw that it was 5 sizes too small. Paul tried in vain to convince Laura that the salesclerk had mistakenly put the wrong size in the box. But since she’d previously found other telltale signs of an affair, his excuses fell on deaf ears.

Warning bells should go off if your husband gives or receives a gift of an extremely personal nature. No woman other than yourself should be giving your husband ½ dozen pairs of silk boxer shorts for Christmas -- unless it’s his mother or his sister (and even then you should check to make sure.)

Also be wary if your husband gives or receives a disproportionately extravagant gift to or from any woman who is supposedly a casual friend or business acquaintance. Any unusually expensive gifts that suddenly appear in his possession during the holidays should be regarded at with suspicion. Especially if he tries to pass them off as things he purchased for himself, but can’t produce any receipts.

If you’ve found other warning signs of infidelity during the previous weeks or months, the Christmas gifts could be the missing pieces of the infidelity puzzle. Sit down and have a serious talk with your husband. Your marriage may be in jeopardy. Find out what’s going on before it’s too late.
© 2003

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About the Author

RUTH HOUSTON is the author of “Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs.” For more information about the book or to sign up for her f*r*e*e Infidelity Newsletter visit www.IsHeCheatingOnYou.com or e-mail to CheatingSigns@aol.com

Choosing the Right Sex Toy

Choosing the right sex toy can be a trying decision. There are so many factors that come into play. It is like buying your first car. You just don't go out and buy the first car that you see. You shop around, you research the top cars with the best safety features. You choose the color, the style, the make, the year, and yes the price all comes into play when buying your first car. Same holds true when purchasing your first adult sex toy. You need to do your research first hopefully this article will help you decide what toy is the best for you and your partner.

Adult sex toys come in a variety of shapes, styles, colors, sizes, and price ranges. Choosing one just to choose one is a very bad idea. Please do your research when choosing your first sex toy. No two sex toys are created equal and they all do something different. Each designed to explore different sensations and feelings. So you need to explore yourself, figure out what it is you are looking for in sexual pleasures. Knowing this will help you decide on what you are looking for in your toy.
Dildos and Vibrators are for penetration pure and simple. The only difference between the two really, is the fact that vibrators do just that VIBRATE. But one thing is for certain they both are used to fill the vaginal or anal cavity.

These sex toys come in a variety of shapes and sizes and the more common dildo's are modeled from someone's actual penis. These toys can be as realistic as they come, offering their owners distinct characteristics like veins and testicles, to the more common choices like colors, shapes, and sizes. So you want to choose a dildo sex toy as your first toy. So whether you choose a dildo that is smooth in texture to one that is modeled from some guys Johnson usually using adult film stars, the choice is yours. There are also G-Spot dildo's designed to stimulate the woman's g-spot. They are either thick in circumference or slightly tilted at the tip to give the toy easy access to the g-spot. What ever toy you are looking for, dildo’s provide a great alternative and can be a wonderful addition to your bedroom.

Maybe you were looking for a clitoral stimulator. These toys are becoming very popular in the adult industry and the women love them. Ranging from the simple little vibrating eggs, to the more complex Venus Butterfly, these adult sex toys are designed to stimulate the clitoris, and for dual stimulation for you loving couples, the Diving Dolphin is an excellent choice for you dual pleasure seekers. Also a variety of cock rings for men are used to stimulate the clitoris, plus for added stimulation some even vibrate.

For the anal lovers in your life, or just for yourself, anal toys can be very exhilarating. Used to stimulate the nerve endings around the anal cavity, these toys are for the more adventurous lovers and should always be used with extreme caution and care. For some, butt plugs are all they need to deliver the right amount of stimulation to the anus. For others, Anal beads and wands are the #1 source for their anal pleasures. What ever you choose be sure to use plenty of lubrication and be careful when using these toys. They can cause damage to the anal walls if used incorrectly.

For what ever sensation you desire there is an adult sex toy for you. Explore yourself then explore our store and pick out one or a couple of toys that will help aid you on your quest of sexual discovery and sensual pleasures. Pick one for yourself or one for your partner. Even shop together and pick a couple out for each other. What ever your flavor, or where ever your imagination takes you, there is a sex toy that will fit your lifestyle, your pleasures, and your budget. So go shopping, and find that perfect companion for you and your partner. They make awesome three ways, especially the ones that come with a suction cup. Have fun picking out your toys, and hope you stop by our store for all your sexual needs.

About the Author

Jon Gammon is the author and webmaster at Sex Toy Alley visit www.sextoyalley.com to find more sexually oriented information to improve you sex life.

How The Protein Diet Works

Protein is an essential nutrient necessary for maintaining good health. In its basic form protein consists of amino acid chains. Of the 22 amino acids that are capable of creating protein, 8 of these can only be obtained through a protein diet. Because these amino acids are utilized by the body a low protein diet can affect a host of very important functions. The building of our skin, hair, nails and internals organs all depend on amino acids and are maintained trough a protein diet.

Muscle tissue as well as new tissue growth need protein for their activities and can receive adequate levels with a protein diet. Protein intake from a high protein diet helps to transport nutrients and oxygen to our cells. The valuable protein diet aids and maintains antibody production.

The protein sources available to us for inclusion in a high protein diet include animal and plant based proteins. Animal proteins are found in meat, fish, cheese eggs and milk. Plant protein sources include soy, spirulina and organic whey protein diet products. While it is certainly important that we include a balanced intake of protein in our diet, many people eat too much animal based protein.

This type of high protein diet could have adverse health effects, which appear as disease and obesity. Many individuals who follow an excessively high animal based protein diet are overweight and often unhealthy. People on an animal based high protein diet often have elevated bad cholesterol levels.

Heart disease, strokes and osteoporosis are often the result of an excessive animal based high protein diet. It is therefore important that a well-balanced protein diet is maintained. By replacing part or all of our animal protein diet with plant proteins we can be assured that our body requirements are being met. A plant protein diet can help us to avoid the health problems associated with an excessive animal protein diet.

Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats when on a plant protein diet can improve health tremendously. This plant protein diet can also aid with weight control. A plant protein diet does away with the saturated fat accumulation thus limiting unwanted weight gain. Regular exercise combined with a high protein diet including plant proteins will be beneficial to individuals wanting a healthier lifestyle.

Plant proteins have many benefits of their own when included in the high protein diet. These protein diet improvements include the ability to raise good cholesterol levels while reducing bad cholesterol. This important protein diet function aids in preventing the arterial plaque build up, which could cause artery hardening and blockages.

Protein from plant sources like soy and spirulina, when included in a protein diet, are able to reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks and heart disease. A vegetable high protein diet improves the ability to retain calcium in the body.

Because less calcium is excreted in the urine while on a plant protein diet, problems such as kidney stones are lessened. Therefore it is important to consider exactly which type of high protein diet you are currently following. Due to the high levels of saturated fats and additives found in red meat, a plant protein diet is superior to an animal protein diet and is the healthier alternative.

About the Author: Hamoon Arbabi - For more information about Whey proteins, Multivitamins, Antioxidants and Ceatines go to : http://homebusiness.nexuswebs.net/wheyprotein.htm

Source: www.isnare.com

The Hair Color That Is Right For You

The Hair Color That Is Right For You

Coloring hair has become a common fashion these days. You may use colors to add shine to your hair or for gray coverage. You may use either use a home color or go for a professional color. Professional colors offer solution for a wide variety of requirements, while home colors are usually for gray coverage and one to two levels of lightening. There is a wide variety or professional hair colors available in the market. Making the right choice may become quite difficult.

Depending on your requirement, you can choose from different types of hair colors. The first category is temporary hair color, which usually last for 1-2 shampoos. Such color is often temporary for Halloween and some "rinses". However, it may last longer on blonde hair or porous and chemically treated hair. Temporary hair colors come in both spray and liquid form. They usually contain FD& C dyes.

Semi permanent hair colors are the second category of hair colors. They usually last for 4-6 weeks. You can use these colors to blend gray hair without lightening the color of the other hair. Some semi permanent hair colors contain strictly food grade dyes or FD & C dyes with an alkalizer. Some use oxidative dyes with an alkalizer.

Botanical hair color henna is another form of semi permanent hair color, which comes in red tones. However, it is not suitable for porous hair. Manufacturers use different ingredients including metals, oxidative dyes and other plant pigments to alter the shade of the henna.

Progressive dye is another category of hair color. The more often you use them, the more color it deposits. You need to be careful in using progressive dye, as some of them use lead and other toxic metals.

Permanent hair colors contain various ingredients. Some use natural ingredients, while some may use many chemicals and concentrations of oxidative dyes. Chemicals like ammonia and monoethanolamine are very common in permanent hair colors. Monoethanolamine color is good for you if your hair is porous and fades quickly. Ammonia can make some colors extremely conditioning depending on the other ingredients present in the color.

It is necessary to have an understanding of the ingredients in a particular hair color before you start using it. Most hair colors contain certain chemicals that may cause several problems such as hair loss, itchy scalp, flaking scalp, rashes and nausea. Such chemicals include various synthetic and toxic or allergenic ingredients. Have a careful look at the labels before you pick up a color.

About the Author

My name is Marquetta Breslin and I'm a professional hair braider with over 12 years of experiance. I own http://www.braidsbybreslin.com where I sell intructional hair braiding and weave DVDs teaching the world how to braid and weave.

Choosing Sex Toys and Caring For Them

Choosing Sex Toys and Caring For Them
Intended usage

Do you intend to use your sex toy by yourself or with your partner? Choosing a sex toy and using it together with your partner will foster better intimacy, understanding and openness. Some sex toys are used only for solo play, while some such as love swings can only be used with a partner.

Stimulation preference

Phallic sex toys can be designed for penetration or clitoral stimulation. Some can do both. Women are aroused differently and knowing which erogenous zones stimulate you more can help in choosing the right sex toys. For penetrative stimulation, the shaft type vibrators or dildos are a good choice. For clitoral stimulation, we recommend the most popular rabbit vibrator range. The rabbit range serves a dual purpose, penetration and clitoral stimulation. The base of the shaft has a bunny ear shaped soft like material designed to gently massage the clitoris while the shaft is inserted in the vagina. Rabbit vibrators are the most popular sex toys the world over and we highly recommend that you shop around for one.


Some sex toys like vibrators can be a bit noisy. You don't want to rouse your neighbors and housemates, do you? For this, you can consider variable speed vibrators or vibrators that emit a low level of noise.

Material or texture

Sex toys generally come in porous or non-porous material. Porous materials such as cyberskin are extremely lifelike. They feel very realistic and are often molded after the real thing. Non-porous materials such as plastic, soft PVC, silicone and glass are smooth and come in varying textures. Either way, they should be used with lots of lubrication. Porous materials will require a bit more cleaning as bacteria can grow between the pores. Water and soap will be enough for non-porous materials.


Everybody has a personal preference when it comes to color, shape, size, studded or smooth and elongated. It's a matter of preference. Choose from a variety of characteristics including those that glow in the dark.

Wet and dry use

Are you planning to use your toy in the bath? Many people have discovered how much fun they can have in the bath. Waterproof toys such as the rubber duck or waterproof dildos make good companions.


Do you want to take your vibrator on the road with you or are you planning on keeping it at home? There are small battery powered vibrators such as the Pocket Rocket which can fit into the palm of your hand.

Cleaning and caring for your Sex Toys

Since sex toys are used on the most sensitive parts of your body, it makes sense to keep it well cleaned and cared for. With a few simple steps, you can prolong the life of your toy.


Water- and silicone-based lubricants are safe to use with sex toys. Avoid using oil- or petroleum-based lubricants as they break down latex material. Vaseline or olive oil are for external use only and are great for massaging. Never use oil-based lubricants for any penetration as they can cause infections if not properly cleaned.


Non-porous materials are smooth and warm water and soap usually does the trick. If needed, silicone sex toys can be sterilized by boiling it for 3 to 5 minutes. Porous materials such as cyberskin and rubber require a bit more care as bacteria can hide within the pores. Avoid using soap on cyberskin to maintain the texture. Instead, rinse with lots of warm water or sterilize with alcohol. It is best air-dried and sprinkled with cornstarch or talcum to maintain the smooth surface. To keep all your toys clean and ready to use, you can also pickup a care & cleaning kit.


Condoms can be placed over sex toys so it can be safely shared with multiple partners. They also make cleaning that much easier. Rubber dildos are porous materials which must be sterilized if shared with multiple partners. Otherwise, use a condom over rubber dildos.


Try to store sex toys within reach of the bed. Nothing is more frustrating than interrupting foreplay and having to walk across the room to dig out the toy from a secret hidden spot. With that being said, sex toys should be stored in protective casing or wrapped in a piece of cloth, away from prying eyes. There are several novelty items available such as the Hide Your Vibe pillow to discreetly store your sex toys.

For more information on sex toys, visit http://www.sextoysnirvana.com/

About the Author

Steven consults and provides advice to the online store http://www.SexToysNirvana.com which provides various adult toys and novelty products.

When Your Fears And Depression Have The Best Of You

When Your Fears And Depression Have The Best Of You
What do you do when your fears and depression are stronger than what you can handle? There are times that no matter what you do, your fears have the best of you. Here is a list of techniques and suggestions on what to do when this happens.

The first step is to learn to take it one day at a time. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems. You never know when the answers you are looking for will come to your doorstep. We may be ninety-nine percent correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a world of difference.

When a person is feeling depressed, he or she should take a few minutes to write down all of the things that he is thankful for in his life. This list could include past accomplishments and all the things that that they take for granted. The next time you feel depressed, review your list and think about the good things that you have in your life.

Remember that there is one power that is stronger than your fears and depression and that is the power of God. A person does not have to be religious to use the power of God. When the going gets tough, talk to God about your problems as if you were talking to a friend. Review the Bible and pray hard. Be persistent and be open in the avenues that God may provide to you in solving your problem. It is not always easy, however God is in control and he will help you if you ask him.

If you decide to use the services of a professional, get into the habit of reviewing with your counselor what techniques work for you and which ones don’t. Dealing with your fears takes practice so use this situation as a learning experience in improving your skill sets. In every anxiety-related situation you experience, begin to learn what works and what doesn’t work in managing your fears and anxieties.

As a Layman, I realize it is not easy to deal with all of our fears, however there are all kinds of help available. The key is to be patient and not to give up. In time, you will be able to find those resources that will help you with your problems.

About the Author: Stan Popovich is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods”-a book that presents a overview of techniques in managing Fear. For more info go to: http://www.trebleheartbooks.com/mvStanPopovich.html For free articles on managing fear please go to: http://www.managingfear.com

Source: www.isnare.com

Choosing a toothbrush

Choosing a toothbrush
Choosing a toothbrush

How much thought did you give when selecting
your last toothbrush???

  • Was it one suggested by your dentist?
  • Did you like the color?
  • Was it the latest advertised gadget?

Here's our recommendations for choosing both a toothbrush
and paste that will give you a dazzling smile and fresh tasting

Toothpaste - Toothpaste and a correct brushing action work
together to remove plaque, a harmful film of bacteria that grows on your teeth
and can cause decay, gum disease, tooth loss and bad breath if not controlled.
Toothpaste that contains fluoride makes the entire tooth structure more
resistant to decay and promotes remineralisation, this aids in repairing early
decay even before the damage can be seen. There are also special ingredients in
the toothpaste that help to clean and polish the teeth, helping to remove not
only plaque but stains over time. Toothpaste also helps to freshen breath and
leaves your mouth and teeth with a clean and smooth feeling.

type of toothpaste should I use?

Paste or gel, with or without
flavorings is very much down to your personal preferences. Most of the brand
name products will do the job, just compare the ingredients and make your
choice and don't be afraid to change till you find a paste you really like. The
most important ingredient in any toothpaste is Fluoride because it works
effectively to fight plaque and cavities.

How much should I

Most toothpaste ads give the impression that you need copious
amounts of paste to work, but I guess they have a vested interest?, this simply
isn't so. A peanut sized blob is all that should be needed, simply brush your
teeth at a 45 degree angle towards the gum line and brush the front, back and
between your teeth and you will find that the paste will foam enough to cover
all your teeth.

Children up to the age of six should however should only
be given a very small baby pea sized dab of toothpaste on the brush, there are
special strength Fluoride toothpastes that are especially made for children
under six. In all circumstances always read the label and refer to your dental
or medical practitioner if in any doubt.

How long should brush

Dentists generally recommend that teeth should be brushed for
between 3 and 4 minutes at least twice a day, that's in the morning and before
going to bed. You could use an egg timer to measure your brushing time or
perhaps you'd prefer to brush your teeth whilst listening to the radio as most
modern songs are about 3 minutes long.


Looking at the range of brushes on offer is it little
wonder that we are somewhat perplexed when making the right decision? All
brushes comprise the same components, an average brush has approximately 2,500
bristles grouped into tufts. The tufts are folded over a metal staple and
forced into pre cored holes in the head and fixed in place. The handle is
normally made of plastic and rubber for comfort and shaped to fit the hand at
the right angle and with comfort. That's the basics of your toothbrush so
here's what to look for...

The best bristles to consider are those with
rounded ends and of medium texture, the head of the brush should be small
enough to reach your back teeth easily, completely and in comfort. The handle
must be long enough to reach all areas of your mouth without difficulty and for
those who have difficulty holding small items there is now a range of wide or
thick handled brushes or electric toothbrushes to consider.

When to
replace your brush?

Dentists recommend that your toothbrushes should
be replaced in the following circumstances

  • After every 3 months of use
  • After a cold or illness
  • When the bristles lose their shape

Electric toothbrushes

Once a
novelty item in the bathroom electric toothbrushes are becoming increasingly
popular, recent studies suggest there are some advantages for people in using
an electric toothbrush, these include improved cleaning, better removal of
staining and plaque and they are particularly good for people who have limited
manual dexterity.

Children often prefer an electric toothbrush due to
the smaller head making easier to reach all areas of the mouth, they also like
the novelty value of the buzzing and with manufacturers making electric
toothbrushes specifically designed for children it is likely that the next
generation will see an electric toothbrush as the norm.

About the Author

Tony Forster has a keen interest in dental care and bad breath treatment and has
compiled many useful resources at


content of this article is for information purposes only, it is advisable to consult
your medical or dental practitioner before implementing any program or change to
your current regime.

Skin Care Enhance Your Pretty Look

Skin Care Enhance Your Pretty Look

Who doesn’t want to look beautiful? Everybody wants to look pretty and fresh. Taking care of your skin is one way to achieve what you hope for. Whether we like it or not, beauty does seem to affect the ease and success of an individual's life. That’s why no body wants to look pale, unhealthy and dull.

Perfect beauty is absolutely what you and all women desire. You can feel good about yourself if you have good look. Thus, skin care, hair care, and other beauty treatments should be on your program then. You will need some tips in order to make them successful. Here are some skin care treatment tips, given free just for you!

Tips for Perfect Beauty
There is no doubt that your skin needs special treatment since it is the body’s largest organ. You may not know how to take good care of your skin, how frequent you should do it, and so on. Keeping the skin moist, elastic, and smooth is one of the best ways of skin care treatment. Look at these helpful tips below:

1. The first thing you must know about skin care treatment is to do it regularly. You can start it from the very easy way, like washing your hands and face with a natural soap or cleanser.

2. Which type of skin do you have? Dry, normal, or oily skin? Get to know your type and use appropriate skin care products for the treatment. Consult with your beautician if you’re not sure about it.

3. Eat lots of healthy foods, namely fresh fruits and vegetables which act as great antioxidants. They are substances that prevent damage in the body caused by free radicals. Strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, tuna, and mostly seafood, as well as onions, garlic, and broccoli are great sources of food high in antioxidant.

4. Avoid smoking and stay away from alcohol. They are real skin enemies since they create wrinkles to your skin and making it dry.

5. Carry out proper treatments for your skin: clean your skin with water and free-chemicals cleansing products everyday, scrub your skin regularly to remove dead cells and smooth the skin, and moisturize it with skin lotion and cream containing high amount of vitamin E.

Those tips above are actually only a few of numerous skin treatments. You should maintain your youthful looks by always giving good care of your skin. Consuming vitamins and supplements is also a good way to do it. Don’t forget to drink a lot of water and exercise regularly! Have a healthy skin, and of course a healthy living!

About the author:
Loraine Lesley is editor for some Website concerning women. She wants to help women to look beautiful, that’s why her object features practical articles and tips on Skin Care, Hair Care, and more. To discover more of her advice, visit http://www.myskincareonline.comand http://www.myhaircareguide.com

Abortion Stops A Beating Heart

Abortion Stops A Beating Heart
I believe in the right to life. I believe that there is a human life forming from the moment of conception. I believe anyone who allows or has an abortion is denying the right to life. Abortion is wrong. The Lord has said, "You shall not murder," (Exodus 33:13). The life that is growing within the mother is a child, a baby.

There is an entire life forming inside the womb. The woman does have a right; she has a right to conceive. However once she has conceived, then it is now a separate life. The woman then has the right to parent the child or place it for adoption. She should not be given the right to kill it.

If abortion is not wrong, if the baby inside of a woman is not a baby why does a woman who has had an abortion grieve afterwards. She is grieving for the loss of life, the baby that she aborted. Abortion not only harms the human being inside of the woman but the woman herself.

Why can society not help a woman through this difficult time by giving her alternatives for the life she is carrying inside of her? Why is it ok for our Government to pass a law that determines life is worthless? The fetus is human and if not aborted will grow to be a fully functioning adult if given the right to life. How immortal society has become. People are the only ones who kill their young while still unborn.

That human being inside of a woman who can not speak for themselves has a right to be born. No one has a right to kill a human being, so why are we allowing the killing of a human being who is developing with potential. It is unmoral to kill another human being to spare yourself of an inconvenience brought on by your own actions. Because the fetus is human, if left to live, it will result in the birth of a human baby. Where does the mother get the right to kill the human within her? Abortion puts the Woman's personal interests and comfort above the value of life of the human being inside of her.

1. Murder: unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being

2. Embryo.: developing human organism from 4 days after fertilization to the end of the eight week.

3. Fetus Unborn baby; from about seven to eight weeks of development until birth. Prior to that time considered an embryo.

4. Killing To deprive of life

5. Murder: The unlawful killing of one human by another

Therefore killing a fetus is murder. The baby is a growing, living human right from the earliest stage. From the moment of conception. What does the bible say? The Bible clearly identifies the unborn baby as a living, human being.

Choose life abortion stops a beating heart.

About the AuthorPublish Post

DesRochers is a published author, web columnist and founder of Today's Woman
; a supportive online
community for men and women over 18. Their goal is to help writers succeed in
the writing industry.

Choose a Stressless Lifestyle!

Choose a Stressless Lifestyle!
Choose a stressless lifestyle? That's very easy to say.
Yet it is so important. Our health should be our # 1 priority.
We all know that, and still we keep hearing about yet another
work mate who is now on the sick-list for several weeks to come.

The book stores are filled with books on stress management.
But, should we manage stress or reduce it? Stress and burnout
are two very common signs of a lifestyle that needs to be
changed. The changes must take place on three levels:

1. Our society
2. Our place of work
3. Our personal life

The third level, our private life, is the one that we can change
most easily. But we must also make efforts to bring about
changes on our job/school and keep claiming that society
takes its responsibility for our health. Of course, there are
no easy solutions.

Back to our question: Should we manage or reduce stress?
Personally I do not like the word "manage". It doesn't have
a good ring to it. To me, manage sounds like trying to handle
a situation by working very hard. I close my eyes and see this
tired out woman carrying heavy shopping bags up the stairs.
"I'll manage", she says as her heart pounds heavily. I don't
want to be that woman. And maybe that is not at all what the
stress experts mean when they use the word "manage". But,
still, I prefer the word "reduce".

On the personal level we can do a lot to reduce stress. There is
also stress that cannot be totally reduced. Then we need to learn
how to manage it. But watch out, because your boss might
prefer that you manage when you could reduce! It has become
a virtue to manage stress in our modern society. Don't try to
be the perfect employee, the perfect partner or the perfect
parent. When you can reduce, don't manage. Start with reducing
the unnecessary stress, then learn to manage the necessary in
a way that is good for your general health.

About the Author

Ingela Berger started her own Internet business

Lifestyle Plans

in 2003 to inspire others to make
reality of their dreams of a healthy and fulfilling
lifestyle. Ingela has studied theatre directing, history of art,
and leadership psychology. After some years working with art exhibitions and the theatre she is now back at school
to become a health and lifestyle consultant.

Cholesterol, a beginner’s guide.

Cholesterol, a beginner’s guide.

The purpose of this article is to give you an initial
introduction to the meaning of cholesterol, what causes it
and why does your body have it. Once you have this initial
grounding and understanding, you can then move on to reading
more complex articles such as those that can be found at

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fat like substance that comes from certain
foods, it is also produced by our own bodies.

There are two types of cholesterol, commonly referred to as
'bad cholesterol” and 'good cholesterol”

'Bad cholesterol” delivers cholesterol to our bodies.

'Good cholesterol' takes cholesterol out of the

Do we need cholesterol in our bodies?

Cholesterol is a vital part of our bodies. It is needed for
our brain to function and is a main component of our cells.

What are the risks of cholesterol?

It has been shown that to have high levels of blood
cholesterol can lead to heart disease. This is due to
cholesterol being deposited in the arteries.

Where does it come from?

Cholesterol is found naturally in the following foods.

Certain foods contain a high cholesterol content such as:
Dairy fats
Egg yolks

How is cholesterol measured?

Your cholesterol level can be a guide to the condition of
your health, in particular your life expectancy. The USA and
UK have different ways of measuring cholesterol, so make
sure you don’t mix them up if do a comparison.

If you are concerned about your cholesterol level you should
visit your doctor to have it measured. This is done by
taking a sample of your blood. Your doctor can then present
you with a plan to help get your cholesterol level back to

What if you have a high cholesterol count?
Generally, if you have a high cholesterol level, you will be
told to go on to a diet of low cholesterol foods such as:
Whole grains

Your doctor may also give you the option of medication to
assist in reducing your cholesterol level.

It is not possible for you to know if you have a high
cholesterol level without having it measured. So as a
precaution you should at least take steps to establish your
current cholesterol level.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational
purposes only. The content is not intended to be a
substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or
treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, doctor
or other qualified health provider with any questions you
may have regarding a medical condition. Do not alter your
diet or start taking medication without consulting with your
doctor or health provider.

About the Author

Colin Beach is a freelance writer for

Visit the following web site for more information:
Low cholesterol
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

eating health

operation of the first, we need the concept of nutrition, we have many friends who feel that spending money to buy nutrition is a luxury, do not think that they need nutrition supplement until the physical discomfort, and then to the hospital , a look at the bill, and that health care costs are excessive. In fact, as we improve the standard of living, living environment, diet diversification, reduction exercise, our body's own immune continuously on the decline. This is the reason why more and more people are sub-health reasons. Here, I set out to the longest and most likely to see Dystrophy uneven several examples.

1, pick taste (option tastes, consider the amount of nutrients, and taste weight) children picky eaters, adult diet, the elderly do not eat to eat soft hardware have all contributed to the reasons for the balanced nutrition.

2, and tension busy eating normal (restaurant, sharing dining at the roadside, eating fast food), snacking.

3, work pressure, smoking, drinking, eliminate toxins requires a large amount of vitamin consumption.

4, improper storage, improper cooking (fresh → to thaw frozen → → Featured, washing, cooking fires → → cut aluminium metal containers cooking).

5, medication caused liver and kidney function burden, the need to consume a large amount of vitamins.

6, food additives:

6.1 fine white flour shortage of B vitamins and bleach;

6.2 instant noodles and basic medicines, borax, preservatives;

6.3 sausage-amine containing carcinogenic substances;

6.4-oil, alcohol (fermented);

6.5 vegetables, fruits; wax pesticide residues PCB (polychlorinated of (b) benzene, strong carcinogens);

6.6 processed foods: containing colourings, by taste agents, preservatives;

6.7 fried foods; exposed oil oxidation, heat, back in oil variation;

6.8 pollution: air, noise.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

In addition to stubborn curves compaction microgastropods

1. Abdominal movement by not only doing abdominal activities need to strengthen systemic training in abdominal movement, add about half an hour of aerobic exercise on the back of strength training even more useful.

2. Do abdominal exercise, it is necessary to try to slow down movement, not action by the inertia. In the beginning, the attention can be deliberately training site, and other sites as much as possible to remain intact.

3. Campaign that if done Suanchan abdomen, can increase the number of forward bending and tensile Yang moves to help tighten the abdominal lines.
notebook batteries
4. Try to do three times a week, do two to the middle of the day off. Do not worry, you will not achieve the desired training effect, as long as you correct posture, the movement to do enough, and constantly increase the amount of exercise, you will be able to have the perfect muscles.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Blood pressure treatment

Blood pressure treatment recommendations may be about to change as a result of a new study entitled ASCOT TRIAL.

"The Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) compared two drugs in combination (perindopril and amlodipine), with two other similar, but slightly older drugs (atenolol more bendroflumethiazide).

The study was stopped almost five years earlier, since hypertension patients taking combination of the former were much less likely to experience an MI or stroke than those on the last treatment.

The study focused on 19000 patients and blood pressure began in 1997. Researchers at the Imperial College in London said that precise figures on the effectiveness of this new combination will not be available until the full results of this study were analyzed. They aim to publish an article in a medical journal The Lancet called later in 2005.

ASCOT The study also looked at the origin of drugs for the treatment of cholesterol. This lipid-lowering arm of the study (ASCOT-LLA) was also stopped prematurely in October 2002 after it showed that the blood pressure of patients have benefited from taking atorvastatin whether or not they have high cholesterol.

Only time will tell how these results are important, but it seems that this study will trigger major changes in the way we look at the choice of blood pressure and cholesterol treatments.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How can make dental healthy

Good oral health is not a healthy beautiful teeth the only way. Eating habits also play a role that can not be overlooked. Below is the proposal that can help you with a beautiful smile!

Your teeth: health and the main indicator of the beautiful

Teeth so that we can enjoy a wide variety of food! Healthy teeth will allow us to chew hard unscrupulous food, meat, raw food, fruit…… good chewing gum to strengthen the strength, and promote secretion of saliva, and their participation in the digestion process, a dental sterilization role. Apart from genetic factors, our teeth also depends on the color and hardness of dental health and dietary habits.

In order to maintain the health of teeth: a balanced diet!

Balanced diet, regular distribution of the meal in a day (in order to avoid snacking, the day should be arranged four meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack time) on the rugged teeth are very favorable. In fact, it will help us better teeth stimulate resistance: enamel erosion, caries…… fresh foods, such as carrots, apple red or white radish in the chewing when Hou, in the teeth surface friction, in reality. Clean teeth to the role. In addition, lipids, certain proteins (casein protein cheese), minerals (phosphorus, calcium and fluoride……) of vitamin D also has antibacterial, limiting the salts from the enamel.

On the contrary, snack foods, especially those "soft" foods, carbohydrate foods (candy or sweet drinks, bread, cakes……) or acidic foods (soda, fruit, fruit juice), will usually increase the risk of dental caries. Sugar can be turned into acid, and acid may damage the surface of the tooth enamel. If possible, each eating food, after carefully cleaning teeth. If there are no conditions, can be a serious mouthwash or chewing sugar-free chewing gum. In fact, any increase in saliva flow have reduced the risk of dental caries. To point out that the excessive drinking coffee, tea and smoking may make excessive yellow teeth.

Four dairy products for stronger teeth

They are our needs calcium and phosphorus of the best sources of dental enamel and root support the main bone mineral materials. Primary mineralization role began in the first four months of pregnancy, stone teeth mineralization began in the first year of birth. Generation after teeth, enamel has been updated and maintained. We should drink milk, it is best not to drink sweet drinks. Dairy products (yogurt, etc.) have also brought with calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D quality, which will increase the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Finally, casein protein, the major protein in milk, and to limit dental enamel from excessive salts. On the past, the practice of good: usually eat dessert after eating cheese, casein protein With the restrictions in the role and milk lipids and reduce the carbohydrates in secrete acid.

Drink mineral water, it is a natural source of fluoride

Natural mineral water to meet human demand for fluoride. Fluoride can increase tooth enamel, strong teeth, dental protection from microbial corrosion. Most of mineral water containing 0.3 mg per litre of fluoride, but some of the content is as high as 8 mg per litre. We also see on the table in the fluoride. For pregnant women and children, were made with fluoride tablets (based on age, 0.5 mg to 1 mg). In tea, fish and some vegetables (spinach, red radish……) also contain fluoride quality. However, excessive intake of fluoride (more than 2 mg daily) may darken teeth.

Use chocolate and sugar-free chewing gum benefits

In fact cocoa contains tannins, quality and calcium fluoride. The three substances are involved in the protection of dental work.

"Sugarless" gum, sucrose sweet polyol replaced, but it will not lead to dental caries: Xylitol sterilization play the role of helping to reduce plaque, and sorbitol (from glucose or fructose Synthesis of sugar for artificial sweet taste of straightening). Thus a 2.2 grams sugar-coated gum contains only 3.8 calories.

5 Mind Control secrets can help you sleep Like A Baby!

Wrecking insomnia is your night? 5 Mind Control secrets can help you sleep Like A Baby!

You have heard the saying, "You have made your bed, now you have to sleep in it!" Many people can not sleep in the bed they made, and worse, they do not know it THEY made the bed, so they do not know that they are the ones who can change it.

Now, assuming that the bed of your own physique is good enough, and you have not been drinking caffeine or eat something that causes acid reflux before going to bed, you can easily change the mind and emotional "reads" that you sleep in. Here are 5 simple ways:

1) Progressive Relaxation. Most people do not have a good reference point for relaxation. They lay in bed, tense and painful, and thinks they relax. They try to relax, but they have not learned to let go of stress and strain.

The mental and emotional stress causes physical stress. One way to combat stress is tense at all major muscle groups on the end. Start with the big toe of one foot and then the other big toe, then all the toes, feet, ankle, calf, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, lower back, chest solar, upper back, shoulders, arms, forearms, wrists, fingers, neck, face, scalp and muscles.

Make sure when you tense neck you do NOT hold the breath in the neck. Continue to breathe from the abdomen or chest because holding the breath in the neck or throat while tensing muscles can cause excessive blood pressure in the blood vessels of the neck, and some of them could pop.

Quickly release of all tensions, beginning with the scalp throughout the muscle groups, to the big toe, relax in a wave of rapid relaxation. With practice, you should be able to quickly make the entire exercise, and you can also do to relieve physical stress while in a class or meeting or conference at work.

If there are muscle groups that are not yet "let go" of the tension, muscles again on purpose and then let go.

2) Another method you can use is to recall pleasant, relaxing memories. Perhaps a fishing trip or a time you were on the beach or camping on a mountain. Remember what you saw, what you felt, the different sounds and smells of the environment. Or if stress is anxiety during an upcoming mission, remember a time when you were successful and relaxed and did a good job.

This method works best when you first get the physical and mental relaxation, in the drill. It is easier to relax mentally after relax the physical body.

3) Many people have trouble sleeping because of unfinished earlier in the day. A technique I learned from Mr. La Tourrette was also used by many other experts of the mind control and helps fulfill "unfinished business".

Get in bed, the easing drilling, and pretend that you have a video of your entire day in front of you. Click on the remote control to play countdown from the moment you got in the bed. Have you noticed something that you want to change or do better next time? Reading this memory again, in your imagination with new resources and the results that you want, the next time something similar happens. Or better still, to examine the steps that led to the event and learn how to re-create this event again, the goal, but with the newer and better resources instead of just sitting around waiting for "some thing to happen again.

4) If your mind is flooded with thoughts at night, instead of trying to fight it, let's thoughts and record flows or write them down. -- Does the spirit of your mind cards with questions and possible solutions. Your minds have tried to give you some answers throughout the day, but you were too busy, he waited until you do nothing else to give you some answers.

Often, the answers will help them move to new opportunities and new projects that can relieve some tension and stress that has been keeping you awake at night. These ideas could be the constituent elements of a course of study ebook or house that catapults you to financial freedom to allow you to leave a stressful job.

5) Focus on solutions rather than problems. Focusing on the problems creates an attractor field of stress and more problems. When you put these problems in the projects and define your creative abilities to work on solutions, you can relax and sleep at night and work on those solutions in your sleep and wake up the morning after having a dream about the solution or you may simply Wake up with sudden inspiration where solutions "pop into your head."

So, instead of accidentally using the power of your mind to worry and keep you awake all night, you can beat insomnia, be more productive, and Sleep Well!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We will be healthier and more productive with positive habits

We will be healthier and more productive with positive habits

The strength of positive habits

Did you know that habits are incredibly powerful tool for personal growth and success?

Think about the habits you have now and how they affect virtually every aspect of your life. Your weight and health are determined by your eating habits. Your relationships with people are determined by your social habits. Your success at work is determined by your work habits. Do you sleep, which dictate how well you sleep. You have sexual habits. You even buying habits, just look around your house and you will quickly see them. Our character, health and virtually every aspect of our lives, really defines our habits.

If you ask ten people on the street what the word habit means nine out of ten will tell you that the habit is a negative action that people over and over again, like smoking, or delay, or too much food. Bad habits get all the press. Let's look at the results of only one bad habit: smoking. Each year, more than 400000 people will lose their lives to smoking-related diseases in the United States. Imagine, then, the negative energy that exists only in the fact that one bad habit. This is staggering.

Now, I want you to think about more power, power that can bring you success, health and happiness, and power for a positive, permanent, and automatic personal growth: the power of positive habits. Let's look a little closer within the meaning of the word habit. Random House dictionary defines habit in this way:

Habit: An acquired behaviour models regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.

The important words in this definition are acquired and almost involuntary. Let me ask you a question. When was the last time you sat down and said to myself: "Today I am going to add a new habit in my life?" I would venture to guess that you have probably never said those words. As you read this article, you will see how easy it is to add positive habit in your life and the great power they have to change this. Think about the words almost involuntary. This means that the habit is so powerful in your mind that this is almost irresistible! With respect to bad habits, such as smoking, procrastination and overeating, this is very bad. But with positive habits, it is very, very good.

What is a positive habit? A positive habit is just a habit that produces positive effects, actions and attitudes you want to buy and make part of their lives. Why is there such great power in positive habits to effect change? Since habits, by their very nature, are automatic. After a period of time, they may become permanent.

So how do we go about adding new positive habits in our lives? This is really very simple. You just start to repeat the action, attitude or thought process every day for at least 21 days. Studies show that the steps are repeated for a minimum of 21 days is likely to become a permanent habit. Remember, positive habits to have a positive effect, and you will receive the benefits but argue that habit. So, what do we know, what positive habits, and how to acquire them, let's look at some simple positive habits that will make you healthier and more productive.

Positive Habit # 1 - Take Flax Every day on a healthy, Trim Body and Lower Cholesterol!

What is flax?

Flax is a blue-flowering plants, known for its rich oil seeds. People have been feeding flax seed since ancient times, it has a pleasant, nutty taste. The health benefits of flax seed and flax seed oil are significant, and that is why this habit is recommended as a primary health habits, and the trim and fit body. Here are some of the benefits of flax seed and flax seed oil:

Flax seed contains soluble and insoluble fibers. Several studies have shown that flax seed can help to lower cholesterol in the same way as other soluble fiber foods like oats and bran, fruit pectin do. A study at the University of Toronto showed that total cholesterol levels dropped 9%, and LDL (the "bad" cholesterol) decreased 18% in the group of women who ate cooked milled flax seed bread each day for 4 weeks.

Flax seed is one of the richest sources of lignans and alpha-linolenic acid. Studies have shown that lignans may help prevent certain types of cancer. Flax seed is one of the few plants in the kingdom of plants, which provide a high rate of alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) for linoleic (omega-6 fatty acids), it is an excellent source of healthy polyunsaturated fat.

The new study confirmed that the positive habits take flax seed every day can help you get a trim and conform the body. I interviewed Dr. Sam Bhathena, a researcher at the U.S. Phytonutrients Laboratory, the Department of Agriculture, he said, "we noted that flax seed food is much more effective in lowering cholesterol then soy. Few other studies have shown that in general, omega -3 fatty acids, reduce lipid deposition, and help in reducing body weight. "

Omega-3 fatty acids - More than half the fat of the flax seed is the omega-3 fatty acid type, an essential fatty acids. There have been numerous studies indicating the benefits to consumers' health, omega-3 fats. Recent studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids, which are plentiful in flax seed can help protect you from coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Studies on the effects of flax seed breast cancer is under way. Omega-3 may also help increase your metabolism, helps your body to burn calories faster. You can buy raw flax seed, ground flax seed and flax seed oil at most health food stores.

Positive Habits # 2 Be more productive X 4-D Habit

Many of us, underlined by the negative impact of the work overload in our careers. 4-D habit very simple positive habits that will help you to prevent overloading and to work more productively. Whenever you are confronted with new challenges, apply 4 D 's, which are listed below. You find that your work will be reduced, as you apply the selection and decision-making tool for each task you faced. Decide on the best choice - and take action.

Do It Now - to take immediate action in this task immediately, not to delay.

Auto It Now - and make a quick decision to dump task.

She delegate - to entrust to someone else. This is a very important aspect of management time. Your time is valuable, make it a habit to work on the tasks that you are doing better, and delegate tasks to be performed by someone else.

Defer task - the task immediately postponed to a later date. Make sure the time schedule for its completion.