Sunday, April 6, 2008

Medications to avoid during pregnancy

Medications to avoid during pregnancy

In seeking to do everything to the developing child, many pregnant women choose a more natural approach during pregnancy, which may also include the use of herbal remedies for various illnesses. In thinking is that because the plants are natural, they are healthier. Usually they are, but some plants are very powerful and should be severely restricted or totally avoided during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, you should be well aware of all that you ingest, regardless of the food and medicine. You know that you should practice a healthy diet during pregnancy. This includes obtaining large quantities of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, a lot of liquids, and extra protein. You know that you should avoid villains as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and artificial sweeteners, but to avoid grass just does not seem natural. Remember that plants are drugs, and, as with any medicine, should be used with extreme caution during this time. Although considered a natural herbal alternative to conventional medicine, they can also be harmful when taken during pregnancy. Many herbs contain natural steroids, which can affect the development of a child during pregnancy, and even when nursing. Other moderately toxic, and some may be strong uterine stimulant, promote menstruation, or cause premature contractions. Those containing high quantities of essential oils, alkaloids, or may affect your or your child's central nervous system. Harsh bitter tinctures, can substantially stimulate digestion and metabolism, and strong laxatives can cause uterine decline.
Like all medications, you should avoid taking any herbs during the first trimester, and use only minimal amounts for short periods of time since then, and then only when necessary. Culinary herbs (basil, oregano, etc.) tend to be safe in small amounts used in cooking, but not in high doses are used for teas. External use herbs, such as Aloe Vera, as a rule, does not represent a problem.
Plant alkaloid
Alkaloids are the most potent of all plant components, they produce a wide range of pharmacological effects. It is best to avoid them all, inter alia, the following: Autumn crocus, Barberry, Blood Root, Borage, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Ginseng, Golden Seal, Lobeliya, Ma Huang, Mandrake
These herbs can have an impact on the smooth muscle of the uterus and / or act as emmenagogues. All strong bitter tinctures should be avoided during pregnancy, inter alia, the following: Angelica, Barberry, Buckbean, Celandine, Feverfew, Gentian, Golden Seal, Mugwort, Rue, Southernwood, Pizhma, Wormwood
Oil containing plants
Essential oils should never be taken internally, especially during pregnancy, which can have a devastating effect on the placenta and fetus. The entire plant, which distilled oil from the sometimes be fine if used in moderation. However, many should be avoided, in particular, the following: Hyssop, Juniper, Myrrh, Muskatny nut parsley, Pennyroyal, Sage, Thyme, Yarrow, Wild Celery
Strong herbal laxatives are often caused by the presence of anthraquinones to stimulate the gut, and possibly a similar effect on the uterus. Avoid the following: aloe, Alder Buckthorn, Cascara Sagrada, Purging apple, Senna
There are other plants, which should be avoided during pregnancy, such as: Anis, Artichoke, Bearberry, Barley Grass, Basil, Bayberry, Bethroot, Black Cohosh, blessed Thistle, Bloodroot, Blue Cohosh, Buchu, Bugleweed, Butternut, California poppy , Caraway, Carrot seeds, Catnip, Cayenne, Celery seed, Chapparal, Chervil, Chinese Angelica, Cotton root, Damiana, Devils Claw, Kizil, Ephedra, Evening Primrose, False Unicorn Root, Fennel, Pazhitnik, ginger, Hermandia, Hops, Horehound , Horseradish, Horsetail, Hyptis, Hyssop, Juniper, Kelp, Kola nut, Lady's Mantle, lemon balm, Lemon Grass, Licorice, Liferoot, Lovage, Medunitsa, Mays, Male fern, Marjoram, Mayapple, Melilot, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Mountain coinage courtyard, Neem, Oregon grape Ruth, Osha, Prostrel, Peppermint, Peru, Cora, Pleurisy root Poke root, potato skins, Queen Annes Lace, Rhubarb, Rosemary, Shafran, Sassafras, Sarsaparilla, Savory, Saw Palmetto, Scotch Broom, Shepherds Wallet, Soya, Nard, Sumac berries, Tarragon, Thuji, Trillium, Turmeric, Uva Ursi, Vervain, Watercress, in Wild Cherry, in Wild Yam, Wood Betony, Yarrow, Cedar yellow, yellow Doc, Yohimbe
Important Note: This is only a partial list of herbs that can be unhealthy during pregnancy. Consult your doctor before taking any herbs for medicinal purposes. Please vegetable or homeopathic practitioner if you have questions about a specific herbs.

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