Friday, April 4, 2008

Hot sex and lovemaking

Hot sex and lovemaking

Lord of the creatures created the most beautiful thing on earth. Can you guess?
Yes, it is Hum Tum and that the man and woman. Just imagine if that if any one of the two, not created to make the world such a dull and boring. Men and women were created as Adam and Eve, and were placed in a paradise, and asked not to taste the fruit of God. But they were doomed to taste the fruit, and to face the consequences of the fall from paradise to the ground and begin building.

The man and woman were created, and that was the beginning of indulgence. At the beginning of the attraction and the beginning of the beginning of the passions. What is the most beautiful that on the ground, which is union of a man and woman began. Gradually, with a growing civilization men found that sex is becoming better, and people started interest in it. People started to write about sex and love aphorisms that is the "Kamasutra".

Babhravya worked on the research on labour Nandy kamasutra. It was established one hundred and fifty chapters, which have been put under seven chapters or parts with the name alone.

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Sadharana (common themes)
Samprayogika (includes etc.)
Kanya Samprayuktaka (union of a man and a woman)
Bharyadhikarika (on his own wife)
Paradika (from the wives of other people)
Vaisika (as courtesans)
Aupamishadika (the art of seduction, tonic medicines, etc.)

Cama: love, joy and satisfaction. There are rules and procedures that arise when there is a union between a man and a woman. Every couple has different ways of expressing their union, and in the Act, which are currently being studied and investigated at the present time.

Here are some points to keep in mind

Weed Union, in accordance with the dimensions, because of the desire, time, as well as on the different types of love
Of Embrace
On Kissing
On touching or marking with Nails
On Biting, and the way love to be used against women in different countries
At various ways of lying, as well as various types of Congress
At various ways Strike, and sounds related to them
Pro women operating under Men
At the holding Lingam in Roth

Sometimes we find that the union is not just based on the size and other related issues. In these unequal unions when a man exceeds the size of a woman at the time, his union with the woman who is in the immediate vicinity of its size, called high Union, and has two types. His union with a woman most remote of its size, called high Union, and has only one type. On the other hand, when women exceeds men's point size, its union with a man, in the vicinity of its size is called a low Union, and has two types, while its alliance with the man farthest from its size is called low Union, and has only one type.

In the mutual love between a man and a woman comes into contact, we may find that there may be certain types covering each other. It must be passionate, and she rises from the inner joy and love each other. They can be described as follows


The decision in each case is designated within the meaning of the word, which stands behind him.
When a person under some pretext or the other goes in the front or together with a woman and affects her body with his own, he called a touching cover. When a mother is a place bends down, as if to pick something, and pierces, as he, a man sitting or standing, with her chest and the man in response takes hold of them, it is called piercing cover. When the two lovers come together slowly, either in the dark or in a place of public resort, or alone, and their bodies rub against each other, it's called friction cover. When on the above occasion one of them clicks other body violently against the wall or pillar, it is called an urgent cover. These last two are covered only for those who are aware of each other's intentions.

IT is said that there is no fixed time or between the arms of the order, in a kiss, and the keys, or scratches to the fingers or nails. So it should be kissing up to Union, and this takes time and increases the joy of sex. So kissing is common on the forehead, eyes, cheeks, neck, chest, breasts, lips, and inside the mouth.

When the lips of two lovers are brought into direct contact with each other, it is called direct kiss. When the leaders of two lovers inclined towards each other, and when it bent, kissing going on, what is called bent kiss. When one of them turns measures in the face of the other, keeping the head and chin, and then kissing, she called turned kiss. Finally, when the lower lip, laden with great force, it is called pressed kiss.

Pressing with nails that of the eight species of the following, depending on the form of signs, which are produced, and this is a fabulous way to increase the joy of sex. While this sounds painful, but during sex, it is very aggressive and very satisfying.
Half Moon
A range
The line
A tiger's claw or nail
A peacock leg
In leap hare
In the blue lotus leaf

In the field, which should be pressed with nails are as follows: arm pit, throat, chest, lips, the jaghana or middle part of the body, and hips. But Suvarnanabha view is that when passions impetuosity is excessive, in the field should not be considered.

Thus, it may be concluded that a number kamasutra poses for the implementation of gender and can be expressed wishes and desires can be fulfilled. Looking exactly as it sounds, partner, which is the "bread", lies on the bottom, and their significant other is asleep right on top of them mimicking a "spreading". Thus, in this way, there can be no hard and fast rule is that should be followed in carrying out sex.

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